Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA
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Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA

Get up to speed on IntelliJ IDEA's New UI

About the Book

If you learned to code using a text editor to understand the fundamentals, you may have missed the value an IDE can bring. As professional developers, we don't need to learn the fundamentals; we need to deliver working applications. An IDE is designed specifically to help us to do this.

IntelliJ IDEA is packed with features that can help developers with almost any task they need to perform. When you're busy writing code, you don't always have time to discover those features. Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA uses two approaches to help newcomers and experienced users alike:

  • Tutorials that help you to consolidate your skills by showing you when, why and how to use IntelliJ IDEA features to create working applications.
  • A questions-and-answers approach that demonstrates how to solve the problems that professional developers face.

Seeing how to use IntelliJ IDEA from these different angles shows the most useful features and teaches multiple approaches for using these features. This book is full of ah-ha! moments that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you go faster and to show off to your colleagues. No matter which technologies you use or how you like to work, reading this book will help you find an approach that enables you to work efficiently and productively with IntelliJ IDEA.

This version of Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA will demonstrate everything using the New UI that came into the 2023 versions of IntelliJ IDEA.


About the Authors

Trisha Gee
Trisha Gee

Trisha is a Java Champion, author of Head First Java, and was an IntelliJ IDEA Advocate at JetBrains for seven years.

Before working for JetBrains, Trisha built up experience using IntelliJ IDEA while pairing with other, much more experienced, developers. She was blown away by how much you can achieve if you really understand the tool, and horrified that she'd been using IDEs to develop Java applications for ten years and barely scraped the surface of what they could do. This inspired her to move into developer advocacy and give live coding demos of how to be effective with Java while showcasing what you can do with an IDE at the same time.

Trisha's passion is developer productivity, and learning how to make the most of the tools available to you is key to being productive.

Helen Scott
Helen Scott

Helen is a Java Developer Advocate at JetBrains where she enjoys the variety of tasks that the role affords her. She started her career a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away) as a Java developer using tools such as Vim; IDEs were only just being released back then! After a couple of years, Helen chose to pursue a career in Technical Writing to join her passions for working with developers and content creation.

Helen returned to the world of Java in 2020 when she joined JetBrains as a Java Developer Advocate where she was inspired by what IntelliJ IDEA can do to support developers. She has since rekindled her fondness for Java and delivers blogs, tutorials, videos, talks and apparently a book(!) on everything to do with IntelliJ IDEA and its community.

It's safe to say that Helen is a huge fan of the product and wishes it had existed when she first started working with language!


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Table of Contents

  • Dedication
  • About the authors
    • Trisha Gee
    • Helen Scott
  • What’s new in the second edition
    • New UI changes
    • AI Assistant
    • Other changes
    • The fundamentals remain the same
  • Getting the most from this book
    • Who should read this book
    • Signposts to look out for
    • IntelliJ IDEA versions
    • A note about shortcuts
    • Feedback
  • Acknowledgements
    • Technical reviewers
    • Translation help
    • Cover design
  • Part I: Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA
    • 1. What is IntelliJ IDEA?
      • 1.1. What is IntelliJ IDEA?
      • 1.2. Who makes it?
      • 1.3. Community Edition versus Ultimate
    • 2. The IntelliJ IDEA guiding principles
      • 2.1. Always Green
      • 2.2. Keyboard First
      • 2.3. In the Flow
    • 3. Installing IntelliJ IDEA
    • 4. IntelliJ IDEA out of the box
      • 4.1. Welcome screen
      • 4.2. New UI
      • 4.3. Tip of the day
      • 4.4. Balloon notifications
      • 4.5. Tool window buttons
      • 4.6. Tool windows
      • 4.7. Main Toolbar
      • 4.8. Editor tabs
      • 4.9. Status bar
      • 4.10. Editor
      • 4.11. After upgrading
    • 5. Where to look
      • 5.1. In the editor
      • 5.2. Gutter icons
      • 5.3. Right scrollbar
      • 5.4. Status Bar
      • 5.5. Notifications window
      • 5.6. Tool windows
      • 5.7. Dialogs
      • 5.8. Seeing or changing your settings
      • 5.9. Finding your JDK
    • 6. How IntelliJ IDEA sees your project
      • 6.1. IntelliJ IDEA’s view of your project
      • 6.2. IntelliJ IDEA’s internal map
      • 6.3. Finding your code
      • 6.4. Projects and workspaces
      • 6.5. Establishing Version Control status
      • 6.6. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Framework support
      • 6.7. Plugins and your project
    • 7. Tuning your IDE
      • 7.1. Startup Tips
      • 7.2. Main Toolbar
      • 7.3. Status Bar
      • 7.4. Editor Tabs
      • 7.5. Tool windows and their buttons
      • 7.6. Inlay Hints
    • 8. Where to get help
      • 8.1. IntelliJ IDEA’s YouTube channel
      • 8.2. IntelliJ IDEA’s online help
      • 8.3. IntelliJ IDEA’s Feature Trainer
      • 8.4. JetBrains Guide
      • 8.5. IntelliJ IDEA’s Blog
      • 8.6. IntelliJ IDEA Community Forums
      • 8.7. IntelliJ IDEA YouTrack
      • 8.8. Stack Overflow
  • Part II: Working with code
    • 9. Writing code
    • 10. Creating code quickly
      • 10.1. Suggestions while you type
      • 10.2. Type-sensitive suggestions
      • 10.3. Just keep typing
      • 10.4. Complete your code’s structure
      • 10.5. Generate common code structures
      • 10.6. Create a new…​
      • 10.7. Generate from missing code
    • 11. Fixing and changing your code
      • 11.1. See suggestions in the editor
      • 11.2. Fix errors
      • 11.3. Improve code
      • 11.4. Change code
      • 11.5. Check spelling
    • 12. Activating your muscle memory with Keyboard Shortcuts
      • 12.1. Focus on the editor
      • 12.2. "Get me out of here"
      • 12.3. Extra-fast copy/cut line
      • 12.4. Duplicate line or selection
      • 12.5. Delete line
      • 12.6. Format code
    • 13. Moving through your code
      • 13.1. Finding anything
      • 13.2. Viewing and opening recent files
      • 13.3. Viewing and moving to recent locations
      • 13.4. Going to a specific line
      • 13.5. Moving backward and forward through code
      • 13.6. Moving between your code and its test
      • 13.7. Finding where this code is used
      • 13.8. Seeing details of the code you are calling
    • 14. Understanding code
      • 14.1. Hints in the editor
      • 14.2. API and documentation at a glance
      • 14.3. Readable code documentation
      • 14.4. Hide distracting code
      • 14.5. Syntax highlighting for embedded code
      • 14.6. Code use and data values
      • 14.7. Understanding the flow of your code
      • 14.8. Understanding changes over time
      • 14.9. Getting insight into the code’s intended behaviour
  • Part III: Developing applications
    • 15. Opening a project
      • 15.1. How IntelliJ IDEA uses your project’s build tool
      • 15.2. Cloning a project from GitHub
    • 16. Running your code
      • 16.1. Re-running an application
      • 16.2. Terminating a process
    • 17. Debugging your code
    • 18. Testing your code
      • 18.1. A quick discussion of automated testing
    • 19. Combining testing and debugging
    • 20. Managing dependencies
      • 20.1. Why do you need dependency management?
      • 20.2. Seeing your project’s dependencies
      • 20.3. Adding dependencies
    • 21. Working with a build tool
      • 21.1. A view of your project’s build tool
      • 21.2. Running the build
      • 21.3. Finding your build configuration
    • 22. Keeping track of code changes
      • 22.1. Enabling Version Control (Git)
      • 22.2. Committing changes
      • 22.3. The Git tool window
      • 22.4. Seeing code changes
      • 22.5. What to look for when you’re ready to commit your code
      • 22.6. Working with remote version control
      • 22.7. Your last line of defence
  • Part IV: IntelliJ IDEA Essentials
    • 23. Fixing errors and warnings
      • 23.1. FAQ: Recognising and managing warnings and errors
    • 24. Refactoring your code
      • 24.1. FAQ: Changing your code without breaking it
    • 25. Formatting and arranging your code
      • 25.1. FAQ: When and how to format and arrange your code
    • 26. Benefiting from multiple clipboards
      • 26.1. FAQ: Copying and pasting in IntelliJ IDEA
    • 27. Using Run Configurations effectively
      • 27.1. What is a Run Configuration?
      • 27.2. Editing configurations
      • 27.3. FAQ: Running applications and tests
      • 27.4. Run Anything
    • 28. Diving into debugging
      • 28.1. FAQ: The importance of breakpoints
      • 28.2. FAQ: Seeing program state
      • 28.3. Debugging a remote application
      • 28.4. Debugging performance problems
    • 29. Expanding on testing
      • 29.1. FAQ: Test coverage
      • 29.2. FAQ: Getting comfortable with automated tests
    • 30. Building on build tools
      • 30.1. The Maven or Gradle tool window
      • 30.2. FAQ: Maven, Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA
    • 31. Doing more with dependencies
      • 31.1. Dependencies tool window
      • 31.2. FAQ: Working with dependencies
    • 32. Making version control work for you
      • 32.1. Why work with a Version Control System (VCS)
      • 32.2. The Commit tool window
      • 32.3. FAQ: Committing changes
      • 32.4. The Git tool window
      • 32.5. FAQ: Working with branches
      • 32.6. FAQ: Git for more experienced users
    • 33. Viewing and applying local history
      • 33.1. FAQ: Using Local History to get back to a known working state
    • 34. Running commands in the terminal
      • 34.1. FAQ: Working with the built-in terminal
    • 35. Managing work TODO
      • 35.1. FAQ: Viewing and managing your project’s TODOs
    • 36. Pairing with code with me
      • 36.1. Using Code With Me
      • 36.2. FAQ: Tips for Code With Me
    • 37. Working with plugins
      • 37.1. FAQ: How to view and change the plugins you work with
    • 38. Using AI Assistant
    • 39. Understanding Java in IntelliJ IDEA
      • 39.1. FAQ: IntelliJ IDEA’s Java settings
      • 39.2. FAQ: Troubleshooting JVM errors
    • 40. Deciphering the Project Structure dialog
      • 40.1. FAQ: JVM and Java Settings
      • 40.2. FAQ: Project Structure
    • 41. Looking in your .idea folder
      • 41.1. FAQ: Understanding what’s in your .idea folder
    • 42. Changing IntelliJ IDEA settings
      • 42.1. FAQ: Tinkering with your project settings
    • 43. What to do if things go wrong
      • 43.1. Where to look in the IDE
      • 43.2. Writing and running
      • 43.3. Problems with your project
      • 43.4. Problems with the IDE
      • 43.5. Problems caused by plugins
      • 43.6. What to check and change
    • Appendix A: Top Tips that did not make it into the book
      • A.1. Multiple carets
      • A.2. Multi-line Strings
      • A.3. Find in Files
      • A.4. Shortcut on dialogs
      • A.5. Searchable dialogs and tool windows
    • Appendix B: Top Keyboard Shortcuts

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